Our Cattle
Angus Females

Sinclair Eriskay 2N1 7883
2N1 was a one of a kind true foundation donor cow. Straight Dale Davis breeding and a true performance cow. She was the high indexing female of the 2010 Sinclair Mature Cow Dispersal going to Coleman Angus where she once again obtained Pathfinder status while nurseing Eriskay 112 and being flushed for over 2 years creating multiple high selling lots. We were fortunate to obtain embryos on 2N1 early and then when the opportunity arose to purchase her in the 2012 Coleman Mature Cow dispersal didnt miss a beat and bought her. As we are starting to get 3 and more generations deep with her, we couldnt have asked for a better foundation. Not everything was perfect, but she did everything extremely well and left a definite mark.

MRP Eriskay 260Z X 2N1
The replacement of 2N1 as the primary Eriskay donor. She has put several daughters and now a son that is a combination of what we are building. Hard working, easy fleshing, pound pushing cattle. 260 has a tremendous underline and an absolutely sweet temperament that she passes on to her off spring.

MRP Eriskay C530 2N1 654X
530 was one of the most physcially dominiating females I have ever had the priviledge of being around. Was being patient and not ruining her til she was mature before entering the donor pen. Was able to do one aspiration on her before unfortunately losing her. How her one and only daughter has started I have a feeling she will be a great tool going forward.

Blairs Heidi 652D
Heidi 652D was probably one of the best purchases we have ever made for the money! She is a unique cow that originated as an embryo from Argentina. She is a tremendous producer. She raised a phenomenal set of twin bulls and bred back timely. Her daughters from Outcross have the look as well as her daughter from Tallgrass. There will be a lot more to see from this great cow.

Millady of Grassy Lanes (34S)
34S was an aged cow purchased from the 2018 Fairview Disperal where she had been a donor. She has a unique pedigree from a long time Canadian herd. She possessed an outstanding structure and underline at an advanced aged. We were fortunate to bank a large supply of embryos on her for later projects from some foundation sires. She also left several natural sons that have been retained and have worked well as clean up sires.
Red Angus Females
Simmental Females

MRP Cream Soda 802
Unique and powerful. The Cream Soda family was a dominating force at Hudson Pines and when the opportunity came to pick up a pregnancy from the dispersal, it couldn’t be passed up. She adds a little more power and scope to her calves. She is productive without being excessive in her milk production. Bred to last. A great building tool for the simmentals.